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  • Writer's pictureLupa

Spring Cleansing

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

The time has come, when the chilly winter nights have settled and the sun has started to shine brighter, bringing in those April Showers to bring our gardens the happy tears of the sky and get ready for those hot summer days. During the winter, it was to be a time when families stayed in their homes to avoid the cold harsh weather, but as time progressed and living became easier for us we don't need to stay in ALL winter!

I remember as a little girl my mom would take every single piece of furniture out of the house and clean the whole house top to bottom and her spring cleaning was done within a week! This is a time to cleanse your space for the new year, technically Spring was the new year for those who followed the season rather then the calendar year and it was a time to banish the dark and bring in the light, bless the house, and rid of anything (materialistic, emotions, or non physical energies) that did not serve us or bring us joy.

There are ways you can bring the joys of Spring in, whether it be cleaning, having a garage sale, or simply letting go of anything that serves no purpose in your everyday life.

If you choose to do some cleaning then you better be ready to find all the dust in your house that you never paid attention to! Its best to start in the furthest room in your house and work your way outward. I don't practice this as much as I did when living with my mom, but here is what I do if you don't want to remove everything (because that's a lot of work).

Cleaning and cleansing each room

  1. Find and rid of all the garbage

  2. Clear off any surfaces and wipe down dust

  3. Put all things in their place

  4. Find anything that does not serve you and put them in a box to sell or donate

  5. Remember to look high and low! Look for those cobwebs, and if they are occupied catch the little ones and set them free outside or keep them if you're like me. (They like the flies!)

  6. Vacuum or Mop the floor - Mop with your cleaner first and then to cleanse and to bring protection to the space use water with lavender essential oil and let dry. You can make a lavender spray if you have carpet in your home.

Spring Time Gardening

It's time to get those starters ready and sprouting. There are tons of vegetables, fruits, and herbs you can get started right now that flourish in the summer time. Here are a few that I start In February in my area - Bay Area - California

  1. Thyme

  2. Onions

  3. Dill

  4. Cucumbers

  5. Broccoli

  6. Cabbage

There are plenty more but you should look for your area

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